Saturday, October 24, 2009

Interview for the Ages

Well, at least the ages of my limited life experience.

To give some backround so you know what the hell I'm talking about: at my acting studio, we have a class that teaches us how to be working actors, or, the business side of acting. We recently received an assignment to research different vital and relevant artists and theater companies in NYC that we should all be familiar with as working professionals.
A while ago, my grandfather (who seems to know someone in every company that exists) introduced me to a member of the board of directors at New York Theater Workshop, a theater company dedicated to the production of new work and cultivating the artistic urge. This theater company was on the list, and I fought to research it (won, obviously). So I called her, and she was kind enough to set up meetings for me with the artistic and assistant artistic director of the theater.

Oh, and also she let me meet with Michael Greif.
This man is a director, on our list of who we should know, who was the director of, among many others, the currently running on Broadway Next to Normal, Grey Gardens, and..... RENT.


What an absolute thrill and honor.
I interviewed him, and he couldn't have been sweeter. Meeting the man who helped bring that amazing musical to life was one of those things I daren't even hope for, because I would be too lucky.

But it did happen, and what made it even better was meeting with the heads of the theater that brought it to life. It was such a relief and comfort to listen to two people who cared so much about creating true art, even after years of living in the theatre world, which we all know is not easy and has the capacity to make anyone bitter. They do it, very simply, because they love it and they cannot do anything else with their lives. Their dedication to carrying out the vision of the artist is truly inspiring, and it makes NYTW the kind of company I want to work in someday.

I never forget how much I love theatre, but it's nice to have the realization that it is where I belong land home, in my heart, once more.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could visit New York sometime soon. So much opportunity, but then again, so does L.A. wahhhhh! wooo!
