Thursday, February 25, 2010

Daddy Time Issues

Father Time and I have always had a bit of a rocky relationship, to put it mildly.

I don't know if it was my crazy family who always left at least an hour late for every vacation or family event, or if growing up in Miami just put me permanently on Cuban time (fun fact: you want Cubans to show up at 7:30, tell them the party is at 5. Don't say I didn't warn you), but I was just never one of those people who could leave the house on time with any regularity. Sure, once in a while I would have a fluke and have plenty of time to spare, but this occurs either when I
A: am already out of the house
B: gave myself 3 hours to get ready
C: didn't fool around on the computer because the power was out

Needless to say, this does not happen often.

So my life usually consist of me running desperately, curls flying askew, to make it just in the nick of time, or more normally, 5-10 minutes late for any given occasion.

When it comes to auditions, I have pretty much kicked the late habit by programming the appointment time into my phone 10-15 minutes early. Even with this little technique I still have had to sweat it out, but I haven't been late yet.

But something as simple as a few minutes in your day is not by any means the only way time affects our lives. Ever had a ridiculous coincidence that just made life seem like a real-time version of The Sims? Ever just miss an opportunity? Ever realize that what was happening could have worked, only it wasn't the right time?
Yeah, me too. Everyone has.

Not to get too personal, but last night, to quote Mark from RENT, "I was dumped". And it seemed to come from out of the blue, but it's very true that the only ones who understand artists are other artists, or at least people with a desire to learn about it. I was cursing Father Time once again because chances are, the way things were going, if it had gone on longer I probably would have been the one to end it.

Even my mother, the most positive person in the world, called this one "Mr. Right Now".

Time tricked me and brought things to an end too early, and so I look like the idiot. Damn you, Father Time!!
But wait...
No sooner do I get home and open my email, but I find out that I just booked my first ever non-school related NY play. A classical play. And I booked the strong female lead who cross dresses and fools everyone. NOT the ingenue which is what I originally went for.

Now, leaving aside for a moment how I'm THRILLED that I might get paid, that I get to do theatre again, and that for once someone saw in me something stronger than the pretty girl in love, even the world's biggest cynic cannot deny that the timing could not have been more perfect. With this play, I am not going to have, well, TIME to dilly dally around.

Basically, instead of making me worry about how to shift my focus and what to say, the Universe took care of it for me. Just for this once, Father Time seems to be on my side.

For however long you're here, sit down. Have some tea. Let's be friends. Thanks for having my back.

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